
"It's about words, and words are all I have…"

Who is Songanddancegirl?

Aprill Atkins Cameron is a writer and Child Psychotherapist living in the heart of
downtown Toronto. Her poems are snapshots; playful & poignant explorations
covering a wide array of social, psychological, urban, and pop-culture terrain.
They are deeply personal & heartfelt, but not innocent.

Her work has been published in Quadrant, Journal of the C.G. Jung Foundation, a unique psychoanalytic journal in NYC, whose editors are risk takers in terms of presenting case material in artistically compelling ways.

As well as in, Influency Salon: Engaging Conversations
With Contemporary Canadian Poetry, Third Edition, 2010.

The author has a Bachelor of Arts in Literature & Sociology, and a Master’s
Degree in Social Work, both completed at The University of Toronto.

The poems you will encounter here are a series of observations and
conversations representing the human condition laid bare in provocative, and
poignant wordplay. At first blush the works seem rhymed whimsy, often using
deadpan and simple prose. But digging deeper one will find irreverent social
commentary and ribald humor, against a backdrop of human history’s major
themes and events. There is also a strong narrative voice running through the
collection, at once ironic and sincere.


“If you would understand your own age, read the works of fiction produced in it.

People in disguise speak freely.”

Arthur Helps 1813 – 1875


Song&DanceGirl Poetry on syllabus: 2017

NorQuest College, Edmonton

Faculty of Health and Community Studies

ENGL 1011: Critical Reading and Writing


S&DGirl Poetry was recently published in: NolaVie,

Life & Culture in New Orleans  (April 7, 2014)  A Poet’s Travel Journal,

and (July 28, 2014)  A Satchmo Poem.


Influency Salon: Engaging Conversations

With Contemporary Canadian Poetry, Third Edition,

2010. The Ego Wants What The Ego Wants.


Quadrant, Journal of the C.G. Jung Foundation for

Analytical Psychology, XXXII: 2 Summer 2002,

Befriending the Dark Witch of Counter-Transference Resistance.


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